I'm privileged to welcome multi-published Australian author Margaret Tanner to my blog today.
Let's see what Margaret has to say when I put her under the microscope.
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
A: From childhood.
How did you pick the genre you write in?
A: I have always loved history.
What drew you to the subject of Devil’s Ridge?
Devil’s Ridge is set during the 1st World War, and this is an era that fascinates me.
Did you encounter any obstacles in researching it?
No really, I was fortunate, as a child, to have been able listen to stories told to me by a couple of old great uncles who served in the 1st World War. I had access to diaries, and I also visited the World War 1 battlefields in France and Belgium.
What was the name of the first novel you wrote? Did you try to publish it?
A: The first novel I wrote was called The Broken Memory. It sat in my drawer for years then I got it out, worked on it some more. I submitted it to The Wild Rose Press and it is published now under the title Shattered Dreams. It is also set against the background of World War 1.
6. How many rejections have you received?
A: Stacks of them, I could just about paper the wall of my study with them.
7. What was the best writing advice someone gave you?
A: Never give up on your dream.
8. If you have a day job, what is it?
A: I am a medical audio typist (transcriptionist), in the field of Radiology.
What’s your favorite quote?
A: It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.
What authors do you admire?
A: Romance writers are Ginger Simpson, Tricia McGill, Cate Masters and Cheryl Wright. Cheryl is also a great non-fiction writer.
Author Bio:
Margaret is an award winning multi-published Australian author. She loves delving into the pages of history as she carries out research for her historical romance novels, and prides herself on being historically correct. Many of her novels have been inspired by true events, with one being written around the hardships and triumphs of her pioneering ancestors in frontier Australia.
Margaret belongs to Romance Writers of Australia, Melbourne Romance Writers Group (MRWG) and EPIC.
In 2008 she won Author of the Year at AussieAuthors.com.
Her contemporary novel, Holly And The Millionaire went to No 12 on the Fictionwise Romance Best Sellers list.
Devil’s Ridge has just been announced as a winner in the Grab A Reader Contests at Writers and Readers of Distinctive Fiction.
Book Blurb:
By the time Ross Calvert discovers Harry Martin is in fact Harriet Martin she has fallen in love with him. Realizing she has failed in her final effort to protect her shell-shocked brother, she puts a desperate proposition to Ross. Marry her and she will give him an heir.
Ross accepts. However, he is tormented by the betrayal of his former fiancĂ©e Virginia. On his honeymoon he meets her again and is still infatuated. With the army recalling him to the Western Front, he faces a terrible dilemma, taste Virginia’s passion before he heads to the trenches of France, or keep his marriage vows to Harry.
Hi Chris, thanks for inviting me to your blog. I enjoyed my visit.
Thank you Margaret and I wish you success with your latest release.
Aaaaw gosh, Margaret. Thanks. I love your books too.
I'm blushing to be mentioned as a favorite by such a talented lady. What a coincidence, too. Great minds must think alike, Chris. I just happened to finish another of Margaret's wonderful reads and did a quick little post on my own blog about her. Hope you'll drop by and agree with me. *lol*
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for stopping by, as you know I only write the truth.I love your writing too.
Hi Ginger,
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it, and the fabulous write up you gave my other Whiskey Creek press book, Stolen Birthright, which, is actually a sequel to my other WCP novel, Savage Utopia.
I have been on a roll this week with my WCP books, Chris's interview, your review, and Devil's Ridge, being one of the winers at WRDF Grab A reader contest.
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