A big hello to Sandra Sookoo who has agreed to answer my questions today.
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I knew when I kept running out of library books at an early age then it was driven home to me later in life when I’d wait anxiously for another book to be released from a favorite author, but mostly the first time I put a pen to paper and created my own worlds and characters.
Do you plot or do you write by the seat of your pants?
I’ve done the “just site down and write” thing and sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn’t. Lately, I write out a loose outline of the book then outlines of scenes that give me problems and go from there. It gives me something to look back on and keeps me from getting lost—however it doesn’t always prevent me from wandering around lost in the manuscript.
What was the name of the first novel you wrote? Did you try to publish it?
That’s funny! I couldn’t even begin to try and remember what the title was! I wrote it in the sixth grade about some neighbor kids in a fantasy world. And heck

What do you know now that you are published that you didn’t know pre-published that you wish you knew?
This business is hard and it’s cruel. Just because you “wrote a book” doesn’t mean you wrote a book. If you want to be a published author bad enough, you’re gonna have to work for it—hard. Oh, and that you won’t be instantly rich LOL In fact, starving artist takes on a whole new meaning once you become “published.” LOL
What was the best writing advice someone gave you?
Never give up and be true to yourself while you write. Some said write what you’re comfortable with and go from there. Don’t follow the trends and write the story of your heart. So far, it’s worked.
What was the worst? Did you know it at the time?
Ah, the worst piece of advice. A published author, after I asked her for advice on how to get started in the biz, once told me that I’d destroy my career before it ever took off if I published with e-presses. I spent many sleepless nights and restless days pondering over this and then ultimately decided to start making a name for myself in the e-publishing world. What I’d say to her if I had the chance? “How’d you like me now?” J
What do you consider your strengths in terms of your writing?
I think I’m pretty good at descriptive writing and writing sexual tension—most of the time. Secondary characters seem to be a strength as well.
What do you consider your weaknesses?
Writing an ending. I always end up rewriting them twice—and that’s before edits. Another weakness? Love scenes, although I’m considerably less uncomfortable about writing them than I once was.
What’s your favorite quote?
I have two: “Writing is the only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no money.” – Jules Renard
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." – Walt Disney
What other time period besides your own would you like to experience?
The early 1900s—1920s America. This was just an awesome time in history and the nation was in flux. Women were just coming into an awareness of the power they could weild and inventions abounded. And the music. Oh Lord the music and women’s fashions. Sigh. I guess that’s why, if I write a historical novel, it’s centered in this time period.
Author Bio Sandra is a writer of romantic fiction. Her portfolio includes historical, contemporary, and paranormal romances and she’ll sometimes blend genres.
After catching the writing bug at the young age of ten, she’s gone on to grow her unique writing style. She’s a regular contributor for the Paranormal Romantic’s blog and has just agreed to blog bi-monthly with a great group of women at the Embrace the Shadows blog.
When not immersed in creating new worlds and interesting characters, Sandra likes to read, bake and travel. Her favorite place to spend vacation hours is Walt Disney World. It’s where dreams come true, and that suits her just fine.
Writing is her ultimate dream job.
Book Blurbs:
Santa’s nephews have come to Crystal Falls to run a cookie business. If they fail, they’ll have to go back to the North Pole and fill their uncle’s black boots when he retires. But sick of toys, elves, and the North Pole’s influence, that’s the last thing Landon and Aaron want. They’re looking for love.
Jayne isn’t much for sentimental family holidays and she certainly doesn’t believe in magic. Working in the Crystal Falls post office, she is mystified when she handles mail bearing a North Pole postal mark.
When Landon and Jayne meet, their attraction for each other is undeniable, but will the truth about Landon’s life make Jayne a believer, or will it be his love that finally melts her heart?
Andrea Peterchef never thought her job would include a nine-year-old Piper and vomit. Then she meets Max, a workaholic stockbroker with a voice like melted chocolate and she vows to help her charge and him reconnect as a family.
Maxwell Gildenthall is haunted by the 9/11 deaths of his girlfriend and his cousin—Piper’s dad. Deadlines and data define his life—not baby dolls and dress-up. When Andrea cajoles him into playing the part of dad, the benefits of spending time with the plus-size au pair are a bonus, but he can’t ditch the guilt.
It’ll take more than a spoonful of sugar and a dose of Christmas magic to mend the broken family. It’ll take the power of love.
Thanks for answering my questions Sandra!
Hi Sandra, I love the Walt Disney quote - so true. Congrats and good luck.
Hi Chris and Sandra - thanks for posting the interview and especially to Sandra for the interesting bits of advice and experience.
Thanks for coming by, ladies :-)
Morning all!!
Great post! I too love the Disney quote - short and to the point. Love reading your books Sandi - keep up the great work!
Exiles from Christmas sounds like a lot of fun! Congrats on both books!
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Great interview, Chris and Sandi! I really like how eclectic Sandi's writing is. I have her works in my TBR and can't wait to dive into more of her stories. :-)
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