Tracey Cramer Kelly makes a stop her today on her virtual book tour. Welcome Tracey. She graciously offered to answer a few questions.
Let's see what Tracey has to say.
Do you plot or write by the seat of your pants?
For me, it starts with one scene—often from a dream. It grows from there until I have the makings of a story or novel in my head. I’ve tried making an outline but find that my characters sometimes take me in a different direction. I’ve learned not to fight that, but it means I usually write more than I need and end up cutting (on the up side, I have several additional stories I could work on!).
What drew you to the subject of Last Chance Rescue?
My writing is heavily influenced by the time I spent in the military and by the medical training I received there. When I became a helicopter pilot, it opened new relationships with some amazing people—and Last Chance really came together after I did some ride-alongs with medevac and search-and-rescue.
Why did you pick the publisher that ultimately published your book?
I self-published Last Chance Rescue for several reasons. First, I’m not very patient, and second, I’m a bit of a control freak. :-) I had heard the writer had to do her own marketing even if/when she did find a publisher, and I had heard all the horror stories about editors’ changes, so I wasn’t exactly driven to go that route. But perhaps more important, when I wrote Last Chance Rescue, I had no writing ‘credentials’ to speak of. I didn’t feel that an agent would take my query seriously without some sort of writing experience or background. (Next time around I may do it differently, especially since Last Chance Rescue was nominated a Finalist in the Indie Awards.)
If you have a day job, what is it?
My husband and I own a motorcycle accessories business (http://www.leadermotorcycle.com/), and it’s my job to run it. Our products are high-end, chrome mounting kits for electronics (GPS, iPod/MP3, phone, camera, satellite radio, etc) and drink holders. We also manufacture rain guards (“Desert Dawgs”) that slip onto the engine guard bar and keep legs and feet warm and dry.
For me, it starts with one scene—often from a dream. It grows from there until I have the makings of a story or novel in my head. I’ve tried making an outline but find that my characters sometimes take me in a different direction. I’ve learned not to fight that, but it means I usually write more than I need and end up cutting (on the up side, I have several additional stories I could work on!).
What drew you to the subject of Last Chance Rescue?
My writing is heavily influenced by the time I spent in the military and by the medical training I received there. When I became a helicopter pilot, it opened new relationships with some amazing people—and Last Chance really came together after I did some ride-alongs with medevac and search-and-rescue.
Why did you pick the publisher that ultimately published your book?
I self-published Last Chance Rescue for several reasons. First, I’m not very patient, and second, I’m a bit of a control freak. :-) I had heard the writer had to do her own marketing even if/when she did find a publisher, and I had heard all the horror stories about editors’ changes, so I wasn’t exactly driven to go that route. But perhaps more important, when I wrote Last Chance Rescue, I had no writing ‘credentials’ to speak of. I didn’t feel that an agent would take my query seriously without some sort of writing experience or background. (Next time around I may do it differently, especially since Last Chance Rescue was nominated a Finalist in the Indie Awards.)
If you have a day job, what is it?
My husband and I own a motorcycle accessories business (http://www.leadermotorcycle.com/), and it’s my job to run it. Our products are high-end, chrome mounting kits for electronics (GPS, iPod/MP3, phone, camera, satellite radio, etc) and drink holders. We also manufacture rain guards (“Desert Dawgs”) that slip onto the engine guard bar and keep legs and feet warm and dry.
Describe your book.
Last Chance Rescue is about two people who must fight their own defenses to finally let down the walls that will allow them to rescue each other. It is a story about breath-taking search-and-rescue action and adventurous lives—and the heart that is behind it all.
What’s your favorite quote?
“Great imaginations are apt to work from hints and suggestions, and a single moment of emotion is sometimes sufficient to create a masterpiece.” – Margaret Sackville
What is your favorite word?
Actually, I have two favorite words: ‘discombobulated’ and ‘caddywampus’ (and you would have laughed to hear them as some of my childrens’ first words!).
What place haven’t you visited that you would like to go?
Alaska. Baja, Mexico. Sea kayak the Santa Barbara Islands. Heli-ski the Canadian mountains. Raft the Grand Canyon. There’s a lot of river I’d like to raft someday…
What other time period besides your own would you like to experience?
I would like to have been alive (preferably male) during the gold rush period in the American ‘wild west.’ I have a fascination with old mining towns.
What’s your favorite thing about your book?
The girl gets to be the hero! :-)
What do you do when you are not writing?
I am wife and mother to two young children (2 and 6) and they keep me busy (!). I own and operate a motorcycle accessories business, http://www.leadermotorcycle.com/ (and I ride my Kawasaki Vulcan as often as I can). I just started taking lessons for my fixed-wing pilot license (an ‘add-on’ to my helicopter license). I play the taiko drums every Saturday morning and sing with my friend’s band when I can. When I can get away, I enjoy skiing (all kinds) and white-water rafting/kayaking.
Author Bio
Tracey’s first novel, Last Chance Rescue, was a finalist in the 2009 Indie Awards. Her writing draws extensively from her experience as an Army Reserve paramedic and helicopter pilot. When not managing the family business, Leader Motorcycle Accessories, she enjoys taiko drumming, motorcycling and outdoor activities with her husband and two young children. Her writing and blog can be found at http://www.lastchancerescuebook.com/.
Book Blurb
When Brad runs into Jessie at his high school reunion, little does he know how much it will change his life. When his high powered advertising career fizzles, he falls into a most unlikely career opportunity—becoming a search-and-rescue team member.
Through dangerous rescues and personal trials, Brad and Jessie become friends. When one of their rescue victims turns out to be a fellow soldier from Jessie’s Iraq War days, Brad almost loses her to old demons. But then Brad nearly dies in a training accident, and Jessie nurses him back to health. And when she goes missing one night, Brad realizes just how important she has become to him.
Brad and Jessie must fight their own defenses to finally let down the walls that will allow them to rescue each other. This is a story about breath-taking action and adventurous lives—and the heart that is behind it all.
The book looks very interesting. I cannot wait to read it.
The book looks incredible. I love how you were able to draw on your military experiences. How diverse your interests are! AWESOME! It's very interesting how you decided to self publish. Being a wanna be writer, I will one day have a book published, I just know it and it's great to know different peoples opinions on publishing. Great big cyber hugs on your book, I don't see how it can't be a winner!
Hi Tracey,
Man, what an exciting life you lead! And your book sounds as exciting. Thanks to Marianne Judy for inviting me to your virtual book tour. I love to hear about new authors and new books.
Congratulations on writing an award-winning book.
A Love for Eternity, TWRP
Hi Tracy,
This looks like a very intrigging book and I'm looking foward to reading it.
Thanks folks! I was joking with a friend the other day that it seems like I do so many things, but really, I'm just like everyone else: most of my time is spent working or taking care of my kids!
Val, there are tons of options for self-publishing that are changing every day so there's just no excuse not to publish! :-) I had a good experience but I know authors who have not. And even though I know a thing or two about marketing, it has been a shock figuring out how to get the word out about my book. So there are some definite pluses to going with a publisher - it's just not for everyone.
Chris, just wanted to say thank you for hosting me yesterday! - Tracey
Hi tracey just wantedto stop inand say hello and tell you this book sounds awesome
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