Monday, January 9, 2012

Don't Lie.

The following is a synopsis of tips from Mark Bouton's non-fiction book titled How to Spot Lies Like the FBI. Bouton is a published mystery writer and was an FBI agent for 30 years. He's seen more than his share of liars. See his website at
*Watch for clusters or groups of the following behaviors.
Touching – mouth, nose, neck or throat, eyes, ears, objects
Omission – words, ideas, answers, clarifying statements
Speech – stuttering, mumbling, pausing, scrambling phrases, slurring, bad syntax, high voice
Posture – stiff, leaning away, stonewalling, turning sideways, shoulder roll, head jerks or shifts
Obfuscation – fake smile, ill-timed gestures, words unlike emotions, no use of contractions
Tells – mimicking, denial, bridging, modifying, blocking, displacing, stalling, inclusion
Attitude – creased forehead, grimaces, clenched fists, arms crossed, hands stuffed into pockets
Legs – bouncing, swinging, crossing, pointing, tucking
Incongruity – gives partial shrug, smiles when saying something serious, exaggerates reactions
Eyes – lack of contact, blinking, darting, glancing away, closing, shifting, aversion, “mercy stare”
*Remember to value and honor your close personal connections and family ties. Use the above techniques to inform yourself and to protect your health, money, and above all, your important relationships.


Nancy Lynn Jarvis said...

These are great. I just saved them for future reference when writing.

Chris Redding said...

I do some of those things just because I'm fidgety. LOL