Yeah, another young one and another one from The OC. Right now I'm teaching an online course for the Orange County Romance Writers of America. Guess that part of the country is on my mind.
Benjamin MacKenzie has that dark, brooding look that I don't normally go for. That bad boy with a heart of gold.
Not really my type, but he is pretty hot. In a book I'm waiting to hear from a publisher about, I actually have one of those. He's based on someone I once knew. This guy was Spock to my Captain Kirk. And he was proud of it.
So my character is like him. Doesn't admit he has emotions.
I often take the physical characteristics of a well-known person and use them in the appearance of my hero or heroine. I haven't used Benjamin Mackenzie, but that doesn't meant I won't.
If you are a writer, have you ever used a famous person as the physical model of a character? If you're a reader, have you thought the description of a character was close to a famous person?
I've actually used an anime character as a model for someone.
I also used the personality of Data and Seven of Nine for Tiva.
Ben is Russell Crow Jr. lol
I used Tom Cruise as my physical model in my mystery, Two Wrongs.
Morgan Mandel
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