As authors we know that marketing is one of the most important things to be able to

do and learn. Marketing is what gets our face, our book, and our brand out there for the world to see. We know the struggle we face especially when we are first starting out. There are so many web sites, social networks and everyone has their own advice to give you with what you should or shouldn’t do.
I remember starting out and having to learn about everything that had anything to do with getting my name and my books out there. I had very few people to give me advice or show me the ropes. Point me in the right direction. It was trial and error and reading a lot of articles and blogs. Learning as you go along.
Now being a part of Marketing For romance Writers I only wish I’d known about this place during that time. In such a short amount of time I’ve had the honor of meeting so many wonderful people who have been so open to teach you and guide you in new ways to market yourself and your work. This group of authors is not just teachers but they are friends and colleagues.

You can ask questions, get feedback, and learn through workshops. There is always someone who is willing to answer your questions and if need be hold your hand while you take the first step of marketing. Everyone is so supportive and I love that about the group.
If you’ve not had the chance to stop by and join I suggest you do. You will not regret being a part of this truly fantastic group. There will always be something to learn especially since times are changing. Marketing is not what it used to be. You have social networks, blogs, web sites, and so many other things that you can utilize for your marketing plan.
The perfect time to join is now, especially since we have a Writers Summer Camp coming up.
Opportunity Knocks at Marketing For Romance Writers Summer Camp. Open the door to: SEEK, TEACH, LEARN, SHARE, SUCCEED...and discover MFRW'S MOTTO of Achievement
Join FREE- FREE MFRW Summer Camp July 14-15
Here are some testimonials of the amazing experience authors have had being a part of Marketing for Romance Writers
Through the MFRW, I learned about a wonderful promotions company, who is organizing an upcoming virtual book tour for my two newly released short novels. (Karen Mueller Bryson, creator of Short on Time Books: Fast paced and fun novels for readers on the go!)
MFRW: Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask... Sign up @
Another Testimonial from Marketing for Romance Writers...
MFRW helped me discover new and unique ways to market my work and my brand to my readers.
Savannah Chase, author of Bid for Love. Satisfy Your Desire., Indulge the Temptation....
MFRW: A must for every writer's career. Sign up - It's FREE
MFRW is an invaluable resource to all authors both new and established. Shashauna P. Thomas' Passions (Where Erotica is Limitless)
MFRW: A compass for writers around the globe. Sign up - it's FREE!
Thank you so much for letting me be a guest on your blog today. It was so nice to be here.
I agree. MFRW is a valuable source of information and made up of wonderful helpful authors!
It makes me wish I wrote romance! Nice job, Savannah
Heaven, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. I agree with you. It is a place filled with knowledge.
Penny, it is never too late to try..Even if you do not write romance I think you can find so much amazing info in this place. I suggest you join us no matter what. All authors of all genre are welcome.
Hi Savannah! I just personally want to thank you for all you've done for MFRW and the Summer Camp. You are our Summer Camp Champ for sure. Thank you Chris for hosting us as well. This is fabulous.
Karen, you are so very welcome. It is my pleasure. I should thank you for all that you have done. I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much for all of your support.
MFRW is what we call it to save time, but it could be MFW too. The basic premises work for any genre. We have authors of nonfiction on our group, and many are also writers in other genres. Don't let the name fool you. Truth is truth, whoever speaks it. ^_^
Kayelle, you are so right..This is for all authors from all genre. Everyone is accepted as long as they want to learn. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop over and show support.
Thanks for this, Savannah and Chris. Found it via twitter and this group looks as if it might really help me. (And hopefully I can do likewise)
aka A.B. Gayle
Alison, thank you for taking the time to stop on over. It is so wonderful you found me and my post. You are so very welcome to join us. You will love it.
I love how the group is so open and giving, ask a question and you quickly get ideas.
Great blog post, Savannah, you really hit the nail on the head about the daunting realities of marketing and how important a group like MFRW is!
Thank you, Savannah. Very excited about this "new to me" resource.
Debora, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. I'm so thrilled you enjoyed my post. I spoke from the heart and how I felt in the start. MFRW is an amazing place to connect with people who want to learn and teach.
S.J, you are welcome. You will love MFRW. Thank you for taking the time to check out my post. Your support means so much.
Sounds like a great resource, thanks for sharing, Savannah,
Eden, thank you for taking the time to stop by. I was glad to spread the word about this fantastic place.
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