He shifted in the booth to sit sideways, his legs on the seat. A casual posture for someone who’d seen a dead body recently. Then he tapped his fingers on the table. His foot patted the back of the seat to the same rhythm.
“I need to ask you a few questions, Mr. Beach.”
“Reverend, actually, but everyone calls me Sandy.”
His smile made his eyes twinkle. A charmer, she was sure but that hadn’t worked on her in a few hundred years. Still it wasn’t hard to look at him. “Reverend then. What brought you down to a not-so-nice part of town late on Saturday?"
He turned to face her, his feet plopping onto the floor. “I work with the homeless.”
“I didn’t see any around.”

He shook his head. “You don’t when there are cops are nearby.”
“Is there a large homeless population in Sea Witch?” She choked on the town’s name.
He pulled two napkins out of the dispenser. “Not huge, but enough. They are more likely to get handouts from people on vacation so they gravitate down the Shore in the summer.”
She tapped keys on her phone to take down what he was saying. “What exactly do you do for the homeless?”
“I give them food. When it’s cold I give them blankets and try to convince them to go to the shelter in the next town,” Sandy explained.
His gaze had never wavered from hers as if he could see straight into her soul. She broke the connection by looking down at her notes. His gaze lasered through her making her squirm in her seat. She’d bet that stare had converted many a sinner.
Available on Kindle June 2.
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